Owners of multi location businesses often struggle in marketing their goods and services to people online. Many times, the problem lies in the difficulty of appealing to local consumers, especially when the company’s local marketing strategy is not optimized according to the business location.
There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to digital marketing for multi location businesses. More than that, the best digital marketing solutions often vary depending on the specific business and its goals.
Nevertheless, here are some tips that have worked for many multi location businesses as they supercharge their local marketing efforts.
1. Define your audience and target each location separately
Multi location businesses need to first identify who their target audience is based on the location of their operations. This is significantly valuable for businesses with multiple locations because a local marketing strategy may vary based on each specific market.
Digital marketing efforts also require a tailored message for a specific group of audiences, delivered through specific location pages.
Businesses in multiple locations often create regional buyer personas as they profile their customers. You can do this too. It is best for multi location businesses to:
- map their targets
- identify their needs and sentiments
- craft a message that fits the current market demand.
You can create a separate digital marketing strategy for each location. This is helpful for multi location businesses with potential customers from different places to maximize local marketing strategy results.
You can engage a marketing agency, such as Amplus Digital Marketing Agency, to help you identify what your next steps should be.
2. Invest in local SEO to boost location pages
Multi location businesses benefit the most from local search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. This strategy banks on the effectiveness of a local search marketing strategy that aims to increase the visibility of your business pages to local customers.
Make sure that you optimize local business pages based on your understanding of the multiple locations you have targeted.
By optimizing your website and online listings for local search, you can make it easier for customers to find your business no matter where they are searching from.
This is an especially important local marketing strategy if you want to attract customers searching online from outside your immediate area.
This step can involve a well-curated social media marketing and digital marketing strategy designed to promote your local businesses to nearby customers.
3. Create targeted content for your multi location business
Another effective digital marketing tip for multi location businesses is to implement local marketing efforts supported by targeted content.
This could include creating blog posts, local business pages, or other pieces of content that are specific to a local consumer or potential customers.
Do this by creating unique pages, social media pages, and local messaging strategies, without dropping efforts on maintaining a consistent brand image all throughout. Even organizing local events in multiple locations could help.
Ultimately, you also assist your local search marketing strategies when you craft targeted, multi location content.
By doing these steps, you will be able to show that multi location businesses, despite being in multiple locations, can still understand and respond to client needs. More than that, you can do local marketing to show that you have something valuable to offer them.
4. Businesses on multiple locations must use social media wisely
Establishing a multi location business and doing local marketing is difficult, especially when your goal is to make sure that you maintain a consistent brand image.
Any multi location business should understand that using social media marketing strategies to increase online visibility on a local level is challenging.
Using social media can be a great way for any multi location businesses to connect with potential customers and perform local marketing. However, it’s important to use social media wisely, as too much self-promotion can turn people off.
A good rule of thumb in multi location marketing is to focus on creating quality content and connecting with customers, rather than constantly trying to sell them something.
Inaccurate or incorrect information about your offers can also reduce your brand reputation. You can create unique pages to push local marketing efforts but make sure that your marketers follow brand guidelines.
5. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly
Big brands approach marketing by making sure that the whole consumer journey is as smooth as possible.
In today’s digital world, it’s essential for any multi location business to ensure its website is mobile-friendly. This must be an important aspect of your local marketing strategy as well.
Understanding how local consumers access data is valuable in this aspect. Create regional buyer personas, including the kind of device they use in order to search for your business.
More than crafting an effective local messaging strategy, you also need to make sure that you can communicate with them well enough through your website.
More and more people are using their smartphones and tablets to search for businesses, so if your site isn’t optimized for mobile, you could be missing out on a lot of customers.
Any multi location business should make sure to follow this step because it can either make or break your multi location marketing strategy.
Still clueless? Reach out to expert marketing agencies for advice
Oftentimes, a multi location business will have a lot on their plate. This is especially true for local businesses that are pursuing local marketing efforts for their products and services.
While you might already know that you need to do local search marketing, optimize local business pages, attract more traffic to your business locations, the specifics could still turn out to be extremely vague.
A multi location business could benefit from hiring an online marketing expert to help iron out the details. Local marketing is also a science that requires more than just a rudimentary understanding of attracting buyers who are searching online.
Set your digital marketing strategy up for success
By following these digital marketing tips, you can set your strategies for local marketing up for success, no matter how multi location your business is. Implementing a well-rounded digital marketing strategy will help you attract more customers and grow your business.
Digital marketing is an essential part of any business’s marketing strategy, no matter how many locations they have.
If you need any help with your local marketing efforts or SEO strategy in general, Amplus Digital Marketing Agency is here to help.
Contact us today and we’ll work hand in hand with you to come up with a strategy that works best for your goals.